• March 26, 2025
  • Updated 5:27 pm

5 Free Keyword Research Tools You Must Use

5 Free Keyword Research Tools You Must Use

Keyword research is a prominent SEO activity and it has no end to how deep one can go and find performance-driven search phrases. When people enter the world of SEO, they often think that only paid tools can do good keyword research. However, it’s only partially true. There are many SEO tools that are available in the market for free and give you basic keyword details.

If you have recently started SEO services and searching for the best free keyword research tools then we have got you covered. In this article, we will have a look at the top available tools that you can use straight away and strengthen your SEO practices.

1. Google Keyword Planner

When it comes to free keyword planner, the name of Google Keyword Planner comes first in mind as it is widely used by digital marketers. It is a free tool that can give you all the basic details at your fingertips. This is a free add-on that comes with Google Ads and you can use it even if you are not running ads.

If you are a beginner, you can start your keyword research from Google Keyword Planner as it will cover all the important metrics for you. This tool also suggests potential keywords that you can consider while doing your keyword research. Along with suggestions, you get additional information like competition, search volume, average bid, and many more. If you need more details on your keywords, you can run ads to unlock more metrics and finalize keywords with more confidence.

2. Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker is another very popular tool that offers a free and powerful tool to perform keyword research with comprehensive details. If you are running an SEO campaign on a budget, this Rank Tracker tool is for you. In this free version of this platform, you get a whopping collection of 20+ tools for performing keyword research. And the best part about this tool is that there is no limit on how many keywords you can search on this tool. Also, there is also no limit over tracking the local rank for your keywords.

In a single dashboard, you can access all the 23 keyword tools and make your SEO strategy even more robust. It also has Google Ads tool integration so that you can also use Google Keyword Planner and Google Search Console in this single dashboard.

3. Keywords Everywhere

If you are looking for a goldmine to search long-tail keywords that people are searching for, Keywords Everywhere is the ultimate tool for you. This is among the best free tool that you can have in 2021 and even beyond. All you need to install an extension of this tool and it will keep showing you important keywords every time you do a Google search.

For example, if you search for car repair, this tool will give you plenty of suggestions based on your search query. This is an ideal tool to optimize your content with good volume long-term keywords and rank higher. You can also go for the paid version of this tool and in that, you will get more keyword suggestions. However, if you are a beginner, you are good to go with the free version.

4. Answer the public

Answer the public is the most stylish tool on the list that gives you a ton of information and makes your keyword research fun. It’s among the most robust free tool that you can have for generating higher traffic for your website. This tool gives you the results of the Google Autocomplete feature and it’s pretty handy to check what people are searching for in your niche.

By using this tool, you can enter one keyword at a time and you will get comprehensive data about your main keyword. However, if you need to check multiple keywords at the same time, this is not possible with this tool. You can include high-traffic generating questions that people are searching on the web regarding that keyword. It will help you rank your content much higher.

5. Keyword Sheeter

The best part about the Keyword Sheeter tool is that you can process unlimited queries just like the Rank Tracker tool. Keyword Sheeter is a powerful keyword research tool that lets you process a lot of information. This tool presents you with a huge list of suggestions so you won’t run out of ideas. Also, this tool presents you with an important feature of filtering the keywords.

Based on your research, you can mark certain keywords positive and negative to make keyword research even more accurate and faster.

So, these were the top five free tools that you can use for your keyword research and generate more organic traffic for your website. Get started with anyone or multiple tools from the above list and boost your SEO for free. Or you can opt for SEO Reseller if you have any confusion.

Mansi Rana

With over 13 years of experience as a leader in digital marketing, Mansi Rana is Managing Director of EZ Rankings - <a href="https://www.ezrankings.org/seo-company-india.html">SEO India</a>. Passionate about all things data; providing actionable business intelligence in digital, future tech; and venture bubbles categories for everyone, everywhere.

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